Add missing information or correct errors
Date of birth
First name
Last name
Phone number
E-mail address
Identity document
Add information about the seafarers identitydocument
Issued by
Enter the relevant information about the holder here.
Identity document
Enter information about the type of identification the holder is using for identification purposes.
Permanent address
Provide a permanent address for the seafarer
More address (optional)
Postal code
Delivery address
Please provide a delivery address
More address (optional)
Postal code
Permanent address
This is the place the holder is registered on. Please use the "place of delivery" field if you would like the endorsement to be delivered to a different address.
Delivery address
Enter the name and address of the recipient (person or company) of the endorsement. If the endorsement is to be sent to the shipping company, this address must be entered here.
Select the application type
Select if this is a first time application or duplication of an existing endorsement
First time application
Select the certificate the application is for
Certificate group
Certificate type
Authority to approve and issue cra
Select application
Use the drop-down menu to find the certificate which you would like to apply for. If you are about to apply for several certificates, you will need to submit a form for each certificate.
Verifying consulate
Use the drop-down menu to find the consulate to verify this application.
National Certificate
Provide information about the national certificate below
Certificate Grade
STCW Regulation
Certificate Number
Date of Issue
Date of Expiry
Place of issue
Issued by
National certificate
Please enter the information about the national certificate in question.